Ultrasonic Wave Record SLOT


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Ultrasonic Wave Record SLOTUltrasonic Wave Record SLOT is the SLOT type frequency spectrum analysis equipment & frequency measuring instrument of an auditory area / ultrasonic area sound.
Many electric waves are traveling in the space where we are living. Even if it calls it an electric wave, there are various kinds, such as electromagnetic waves and an ultrasonic wave. It is said that electromagnetic waves cause giddiness and tinnitus. These days, it is said that the electromagnetic waves of a mobile phone also have carcinogenicity. It is said that an ultrasonic wave has a bad influence on a cerebral nerve cell. "How many electric waves which have a bad influence are traveling around us?"
"Ultrasonic Wave Record SLOT" which can do ultrasonic determination always anywhere easily at such time
♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ Ultrasonic Wave Record SLOT Outline ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
- To the sound acquired from the microphone, perform analysis processing in real time and display analytical data. - Analytical data are the frequency spectrum which decomposed the sound into the intensity for every frequency, and the strongest degree frequency value. - Analytical data are photoed as a snapshot and can be saved at a file. - A snapshot can be displayed on a background and can do a comparative analysis easily with the analytical data of real time. - The frequency range in which analysis is possible is from 1 Hz to 22050 Hz. - Although it assumes using it as noise situation analysis, since operation of that is frequency spectrum analysis equipment of an auditory area / ultrasonic area sound, it is applicable to various things, such as measurement of sound level, voice analysis, musical instrument sound analysis, frequency measurement, melody sound detection, and tuning.